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Avatar Meher Baba Trust

King's Road, Ahmednagar

Date 30 -- 4 -- 98

My dear Amiya,

Received your loving letter of 26th April and I am very happy to note that you are keeping well along with all dear ones in the family.

You are always in the Ocean and no one can go out of the Ocean. But fortunate are those who are conscious about this fact and you are one of them.

Beloved Baba's door is always open for you and all dear ones in the family and when it is conveniently possible for you please visit Him. He is always yours as you have imprisoned Him in the prison of your heart.

With loving Jai Baba to you, mummy, sister Gauri and love to Mehernandini, Kumar, and Abir.


Editor's note: last letter in the collection. Hope you enjoyed it!