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7th February 1968

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 31st January was received here and it was read out to Baba in spite of His seclusion. By Baba's order, we have sent dear Rajani a telegram1 which is as follows: ALTHOUGH I AM IN INTENSE SECLUSION AND CORRESPONDENCE IS STRICTLY BANNED, STILL I WANT YOU TO WRITE ME A LETTER DIRECTLY DETAILING OUT ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. LOVE. MEHER BABA

When we receive the letter from dear Rajani, we will definitely inform Baba about it, but he should immediately send the letter, because after 21st February no letters will be read out to Baba.

Baba is pleased with you, and sends you His love, sends His love to Matajee, to Gauri, and to Mehernandini and Meher Kumar His love-filled kiss.

Jai Baba

Yours affectionately,


1. In response to a question about whether Rajani Kant had many problems at that time, Amiya remarked, "Yes. There was a certain appearance of spots on the skin of his daughter's face that seemed to be like leprosy. So he was very much worried. So what happened was that he told me to write a letter on his behalf to Baba. He thought I was the only disobedient one so I could do it. I did it, so the telegram was sent to Rajani Kant to permit him to write, detailing out the problems. A bottle containing some water touched by Baba was sent to him, and he was asked to apply it to the face and any other parts of the body which were showing those indications. Soon she recovered and is fine now."

Link to the next letter.