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18th September 1964

Dear Amiya,

Your letter of 15th September was received and it was read out to Beloved Baba. Baba was very, very happy to know that the moment His orders were received by Sister Gauri she immediately came back home. Baba wants that Sister Gauri should always obey Baba's orders in the same manner as she did this time, and she should also keep a very loving attitude toward Matajee. During this 6 months period, they both should start developing a deep love for each other, and they are supposed to develop a mother and daughter relationship, which should prevent any further dissention between them.

Baba is sending Matajee for His own work to Calcutta. And for that reason Sister Gauri should embrace mother very lovingly and give her a loving sendoff. Matajee and Sister Gauri are recipients of Baba's love and they both should try to obey Baba's orders fully well.

It is inevitable that Gauri and Matajee should come together, and therefore you do not worry at all about it.

Baba gives his permission to Mamajee to translate God Speaks into Bengali, and wants him to do this without any fear or apprehension. Please send him Baba's love.

Baba has no objection about the construction of Meher Hall1, but from where will the money come to construct such a Meher Hall? Because it has frequently been seen that when money is raised on a collective scale to build up something, then many quarrelsome situations present themselves. In Kovvur the construction of Mehersthan was done by just one person and there was no problem there. But in Dehra Dun, two persons spent all the money for the construction of Meher Dham, and other Baba lovers made only a very nominal contribution to it, so there was a lot of controversy and dissention there. Therefore you should reconsider, and fully reconsider the situation before you undertake the construction of Meher Hall. You do not take any step towards it unless you have well considered the situation. Baba, of course, has no objection to your project.

You give a list of Baba books to Seth Govindas and emphasize the point that he should read those books without fail.

Baba is pleased with you, and sends you His love, sends His love to Matajee and Gauri, and also His love-filled kiss to Mehernandini.

Jai Baba

Yours affectionately,


P.S. Yesterday I sent three songs to Pankhrajee. These songs are intended for the broadcasting from All India Radio, and were written for that purpose. Therefore you contact some artist, and with his help get these songs tuned2. After they are tuned up, please take them to a nearby radio station's director, and send the copies of these songs to him and try to obtain permission from him to broadcast those songs. I have also sent some songs to Bhopal. Therefore you don't need to worry about Bhopal. But do take the songs to other radio stations. I hope these songs may be after all allowed to be broadcast 3 by any of these radio station directors, and they would not have any objection to them.

1. A proposed project to take place in Jabalpur.

2. Means create a melody that matches Bhau's lyrics

3. All our efforts were reduced to nothing.

Link to the next letter.