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Issued on 28-4-58

For the Information of those who participated in Avatar Meher Baba's Sahavas at Meherabad in February 1958

Out of RS. 46,830 subscribed at Rs. 30 per head per week, the total costs of all arrangements for and during the two weeks of the Sahavas is Rs. 45,870 (including for the postage and printing of this information). With Baba's approval, the Management is returning the balance of Rs. 960 at Rs. 80 each to the 12 Centres at Andhra, Hamirpur, Dehra Dun, Delhi, Calcutta, Jabalpur, Bilaspur, Nagpur, Saoner, Bombay, Poona and Navsari.

Meher Publications

Adi K. Irani

Disciple and Secretary

Avatar Meher Baba

All correspondence with Avatar Meher Baba, Eruch and Adi, is stopped from 30th April 58 till the time of Baba's return from the West, that is end of June 1958. Only cases of death may be informed telegraphically. Please inform all other Baba lovers in your contact.

Link to the next letter.