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My dear Amiya,

Your PC of 15th inst was read out to the Beloved.

In reply to yours Baba wants you to convey dear Mishri Lal Baba's Love-blessings. I have requested brother Adi to send you photos of Baba for Mishri Lal and for yourself.

In response to your longing to see Baba and to be with Him, Baba wants me to inform you that you should come alone [two words obscured] and meet Baba on 8th December '57. But this date is not yet confirmed. I shall let you know the exact date and address (where you meet Baba in Poona). But Baba says that He permits you to come to Him for only a few hours and that too if you are determined to obey Him and to do exactly as He wishes you to do. You must NOT let out this news to anyone who might accompany you for Baba's Darshan because Baba orders you to come all alone -- without anyone accompanying you for Baba's Darshan. This does NOT mean that you MUST come and see Baba in Poona. Baba wants you to see Him during the Sahavas in Feb. at Meherabad; but as you seem to be impatient Baba permits you to come to Poona for a day and return same evening, only if you can get leave easily without jeopardizing your service. If you are still determined to see Baba in December then you write to me and I will then give the exact date, time and address of the place in Poona.

Yours lovingly,


Editor's footnote: Following the receipt of this letter in this collection, Amiya felt such intense longing that he could not function. He sent a letter to Ahmednagar pleading with Baba to see him before the 1958 Sahavas. Details are in Memoirs of a Zetetic.

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