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Bindra House

Irwin Road

Poona 2

26/4 [1957]

My dear brother,

Your P. C. of 18th inst. was read out to Beloved Baba.

Baba expressed His happiness to hear from you that you want to know precisely what Baba wants you to do.

The first thing that Baba wants you to do is that you should love Baba and think of Him as much and as frequently as you can.

Secondly, you must not touch any woman or girl with lustful motives. The only exception to this instruction will be your own wife.

Thirdly, even if you get angry and exasperated with anyone you should never hit anyone in anger or hatred. At such times you think of Baba and try to remember that Baba is in everyone alike.

Lastly, you should live and lead your life honestly and with simplicity in the most natural way. Remember well that to live naturally is to lead goodly life.

Baba also wants you to go through the English literature on and by Baba and heard by Baba's devotees. You may borrow the literature or buy them as you feel best, if you have NOT done so already. If you have to borrow them you will have to do so only from Baba's devotees at your side. Ahmednagar office will NOT be helpful to you as it can only supply the books if purchased.

Yours lovingly,


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