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Books on Meher Baba in English

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God Speaks and other Books in PDF Form online

Shore to Shoreless

By - Dr. J.S.Rathore
Free available for download in PDF form
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Infinite Intelligence  
By- Meher Baba


The publication of Infinite Intelligence is truly an historic publishing event. The material comes from previously unpublished manuscripts dating back to 1926. The material was first discoverd shortly after Meher Baba dropped his physical form in 1969 and is only now being released after a long and meticulous editing process detailed in an academically rigorous supplemental essay.

As stated in the Foreword by Meherwan Jessawala, "This book plumbs the depths of esoteric truths never before revealed to humankind. The book's theme is an ageless one, ever old and ever new: God as Infinite Intelligence. Down the centuries, philosophers of diverse stripes and backgrounds have trained their sights on this target. But the profundity and originality of the treatment here attests to a point of view that is rooted not in convention and intellectual tradition but in the Reality, and to an Authority which goes beyond what the limited human mind is capable of."

Infinite Intelligence includes 28 beautiful full-color illustrations and charts and and is printed 5-colors throughout. Extensive supplemental content helps readers to approach the text. For a short biography click on Meher Baba's underlined name above.
Published 2005.  (Added on 25th November 2005)

Meher Baba's New Life
Bhau Kalchuri

A comprehensive account of the extraordinary and often mystifying story of a period of Meher Baba's life known as the New Life. The New Life began on October 16, 1949 and ended on February 12, 1952. (From the Foreword) During this two-and-a-half-year period, Baba seemingly set aside His Divinity to play the role of a seeker or lover of God, a role which He played to perfection. This sojourn of self-imposed helplessness and hopelessness, in which He was accompanied by a few of His disciples, took place during long, arduous and sometimes freezing cold journeys throughout India. Published 2008.Hardcover. pp.726 with photos throughout



In God's Hand
Explanations of Spirituality in Meher Baba’s own hand writing. The never explained secrets of Spirituality and Self..
Price: $40 (including postage) Indian Rs.275/-
ISBN 0-9702396-0-2

A Mirage Will Never Quench Your Thirst  
A Source of Wisdom about Drugs
Compiled & Edited by
Laurent Weichberger
Paperback (pocket-size)
170 pp.

This pocket-size format of a compilation of all Meher Baba's quotes on the spiritual implications of using drugs of any kind includes the full collection of quotes by Baba from the original God in a Pill?. With several first person accounts by former users as well as sources of additional information, this new booklet will be an invaluable source of inspiration for those who seek help in understanding the spiritual truth about the effects of using drugs. Published 2003.



Meher Baba Books available at Trust Office.
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C/o Avatar Meher Baba Trust, Sarosh Compound, Kings Road, Ahmednagar.414001 (MS) India. Telephone : 0241-2343666.


In His Service is the Trust’s newsletter, published on a biannual basis. Here you can find news about recent programs and activities on the Trust estate, descriptions of new plans, reports on work in progress, and occasional reminiscences from Baba’s lifetime.





     God Speaks      

by Meher Baba. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, U.S.A. , 1955.

Download God Speaks in PDF Form online.

  • A vivid description of the theory of creation....using the "Sufi", "Mystic" and "Vedantic" terminologies at the same time to explain the deepest secrets ... evolution and involution in seven planes of consciousness .... process of God Realization... Mazoob, Brahmibhoot, Qutub, and the most awaited event in spirituality the advent of the Avatar. 

    Lord Meher-Meher Prabhu    

The Biography of the Avatar of the Age, Meher Baba by Bhau Kalchuri. Asheville, NC: Manifestation, Inc., 1986-1997. Bhau ji is presently the Chairman of Avatar Meher Baba PPC Trust, Ahmednagar.

  • Most comprehensive for any  research work on the life of Meher Baba...in many volumes...a first hand....day to day account of the happenings... the life of Meher Baba.. Volumes  from 1 to 14 published, more under publication...

  Discourses by Meher Baba - in 4 Volumes 

The Revised Sixh Edition - Sheriar Press, South Carolina, U.S.A. Price: $25.00. Also available in Single Volume 7th Edition.

  • Discourses by Meher Baba on Maya, illusion, love....

  Beams From Meher Baba on the Spiritual Panorama  

Sufism Reoriented, 1958, Walnut Creek, CA.

  • Beams from Meher Baba ....


  Listen Humanity  

by Meher Baba. Narrated and edited by D.E. Stevens , Dodd, Mead & Company, 1957, New York, U.S.A.

  • Wonderful book....a narration of the darshan gathering....another section devoted to the philosophy.....

  The Wayfarers  

by Dr. William Donkin, Meher publication, Ahmednagar, India. 1948.

  • A complete and comprehensive record of the "Mast  work" of Meher Baba, with many photographs, maps and first hand account...

  Avatar     **

by Jean Adriel. John F. Kennedy University Press, 1948, Berkeley,CA.

  • One of the earlier books on Meher Baba....a valuable collection of tthoughts for a serious reader... 

  • (** Presently out of Print)

  The Perfect Master    **

by C.B Purdom, Williams & Nogate Ltd., Great Russel Street, London.

  • One of the earlier books on Meher Baba, based on His philosophy and teachings.... (** Presently out of Print)

  Ramjoo's Diaries 1922-1929  

by Ramjoo Abdulla, A Personal Account of Meher Baba's Early Work.  (Ed. Ira G. Deitrick). Sufism Reoriented, 1979, Walnut Creek, CA.

  • Ramjoo Abdulla's account of the life with Meher Baba....has a day to day detail account of the happenings......

  Stay with God (Poems)  

by Francis Brabazon, a Australian Poet, Garuda Books, Po Box 6 Woomblye, Queensland.

  • A collection of rare poems by Fransis, a noted Australian Poet and a disciple of Meher Baba....

  The Beloved  

by Naosherwan Anzar. South Carolina, U.S.A. , Sheriar Press, Inc., 1974.

  • The Life and Work of Meher Baba

  Much Silence  

by Tom and Dorothy Hopkinson ,Meher House, Publications, Bombay, India, 2nd revised edition 1981.

  • The Life and Work of Meher Baba

  Still Dancing with Love  

by Margaret Craske, Sheriar Press, Myrtel Beach, SC, U.S.A.

  • More stories of life with Meher Baba....

  Mastery Of Consciousness    **

by Allan Y. Cohen., Harper Colophon Books, 1977, New York, U.S.A.

  • An Introduction and Guide to Practical Mysticism and Methods of Spiritual Development, as given by Meher Baba. (** Presently out of Print)

  Love Alone Prevails  

by Kitty Davy. Myrtle Beach, SC: Sheriar Press, 1981.

  •  A Story of Life with Meher Baba

  Glimpses of the God Man-Meher Baba (Vol 1 to 6)  

by Bal Nathu, C/o Avatar Meher Baba Trust, Kings Road, Ahmednagar.  

  • Volume 1, 1943-1948: Sufism Reoriented, Walnut Creek, CA, USA.  **

  • Volume 2, 1949-1952: Meher House Publications, Mumbai, India. 1979.  **

  • Volume 3, 1952-1953: Sheriar Press, Myrtel Beach, SC, USA. 1982. **

  • Volume 4,    1953:      Sheriar Press, Myrtel Beach, SC, USA. 1985.

  • Volume 5,    1954:      Sheriar Press, Myrtel Beach, SC, USA. 1987.

  • Volume 6, 1954-1955  Sheriar Foundation, Myrtel Beach, SC, USA. 1994.

  • (** Presently out of Print)

  A Love So Amazing    **

by Bili Eaton. Myrtle Beach, 1985. 

  •  Memoirs of Meher Baba. (** Presently out of Print) 

  Sounds of Silence  

by Nan Umrigar. Bombay, India: Huma Enterprises, 1996.

  • A beautiful book. "Sounds of Silence," written by Mrs. Nan Umrigar is a remarkable chronicle of a mother"s communications with her 19-year old Son - Karl- who suddenly died tragically at the famous Mahalakshmi race track, Bombay, India in April 1979.  More..

   How a Master Works  

by Ivy Oneita Duce. Sufism Reoriented, 1975, Walnut Creek, CA

  • Ivy Duce a Murshida of Sufism....her life with Meher Baba......

  What am I doing here  

By Ivy Oneita Duce, Murshida of Sufism Re-oriented. Sufism Reoriented, inc.

  • A small but very valuable book on  theory of evolution according to Baba.. 

  It so happened  

Compiled and edited by William Le Page, Meher Baba Foundation 2la, Elliott Street, Balmain N.S.W. Australia.

  • Collection of humorous stories from the life of Meher Baba.

  Is that So  

Compiled by Bill Le Page, Meher Nazar Books, Kings Road, Amhednagar (MS), India. 

  • Compilation of short inspiring stories from Meher Baba's life..

  The Ancient One    **

Ed. Naosherwan Anzar. East Windsor, N.J.: Beloved Books, 1985.

  • A Disciples Memoirs of Meher Baba

  • Naosherwan anzar, Editor of Glow International writes....lots of stories..... (** Presently out of Print)

  The Ocean Of Love   

by Delia DeLeon. Sheriar Press, South Carolina, U.S.A. 1991.

  • Story of her life with Meher Baba

  The Memoirs of a Zetetic  

by Proff. A. K. Hazra, of Jabalpur. Published by Avatar Meher Baba Navsari Center, Tashkant Nagar,Navsari, Gujrat. India.

  • Experiments with the divinity of the Avatar...a biographical note of the Author.

  Much Love  

Compilation by T.K.Ramanujam "Anuj". India: Avatar Meher Baba Information's, 1994.

  • T.K. Ramanujam, a retired Dy-Chief Engineer, now settled in Meherabad....Lots of other books already written...

  The God-Man  

by C.B. Purdom. London, Great Britain: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1964.

  • Old but gold....by Charls B. Purdom...a noted author....

  Tales from the New Life  

Narrated by Eruch, Mehera, Mani & Mehru.... Publisher, Meher Baba Information, Box 1101, Berkeley, California. 

  • A collection of  the wonderful short stories from the New Life as narrated by  the Mandli...

  Conversations with the Awakener  

by Bal Natu. Sheriar Press, Inc., 1997. South Carolina, U.S.A.

  • A collection of  imaginative conversations of the Author with himself.

  The Samadhi, Star Of Infinity  

by Bal Natu. Sheriar Press, Inc., 1997. South Carolina, U.S.A.

  The Dance Of Love  

by Margaret Craske. Sheriar Press Inc., South Carolina, U.S.A.: 1980.

  Because of Love  

by Rano Gayley. South Carolina, U.S.A.: Sheriar Press, 1983.

  • My Life and Art with Meher Baba

  The Nothing and The Everything    **

by Bhau Kalchuri. South Carolina, U.S.A.: Manifestation, Inc., 1981.

  • Explaining the mystic symbols... Ganesh...Kuber...based on notes dictated by Meher Baba.. Bhau ji is presently Chairman of Avatar Meher Baba Trust... (** Presently out of Print)

  Determined to be His  

Storied shared by Eruch in the mandlli hall, edited by Steve Klein, Meher Nazar Books, Sarosh Compound,Ahmednagar, (MS) India. 

  • All good stuff.... Stories by Meher Baba's disciple Eruch from his life with Baba...

  Listen the New Humanity  

by Don E. Stevens, Companion Books, 1 Weslay Street, St. Helier, Jersey Channel Island.

  • A  new publication on Meher Baba and His philosophy...

  Meherabad the Hill of Celestial Light  

by A.R. Abdulla. He was devoted to Baba since his childhood. His father Ramjoo Abdulla was Meher Baba's well known disciple . His talks gathered large audience. Many  papers read and published.  Address: Sybil Mansion, 2nd Floor, S.V. Road, Near Convent, Santacruz (West), Mumbai (MS), India. Tel ® 022-6463918

  Shore to Shoreless  

by Dr. J.S. Rathore.  Retired Vice-Chancellor of Rewa University. An eminent Environmental Scientist of India. "Meher Manifestation Books" 35 Gaurav Niwas, Dwarkapuri, Kotra Sultanabad, Bhopal.(MP) India. 462 003.......                              

  • A must for the intellectual seekers ...five characters from different religious faiths discuss and find the truth....in light of Meher Baba's teachings....explains latest metaphysics....by Dr. J.S. Rathore, Retd Vice-Chancellor of Rewa University...an Eminent environmental scientist....Know more..


  The Way and the God  

by T.K. Ramanujam, "Anuj", Retd. Dy-Chief Engineer of Kavoor Project. Now at Meherabad, Ahmednagar.

  • A small but valuable book...

  Of Men and Meher Baba  

by Proff. A.K. Hazra, co-authored by Keith Gunn. Hazra was associated with Meher Baba since the early Fifties. A professor of English by profession.                                 

  • From the author of  "Memoirs of a Zetetic"... Proff. Hazra a Retd.  Professor of English... a long time associate and disciple of Meher Baba.....


How to find Books

|  In USA  |   In India  |  


Sheriar Press  (USA)

  • 801, 13th Avenue South North Myrtle Beach , South Carolina 29582.USA.

 Beloved Books (USA)

  • Naosherwan Anzar , Beloved Books , 599 Edison Drive East Windsor , New Jersey 08520, USA. E-mail :- .zenocom@aol.com

 Search Light Books (USA)


Love Street Book Stores

  • The Love Street Bookstore is part of “Meherabode” - the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. 1214 South Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, California 90019-3520 Phone: 323-731-3737. Website: LoveStreetBookstore.com To place an order email dinagibson [at] mac.com Bookstore Phone: Dina Snow: 310-837-6419 from 9-5 Pacific time Weekdays. Fax Number: 310-839-BABA (2222).


 Meher Nazar Books and other Centers (India)

  • Meher Nazar Books, A.M.B.Trust, PO Bag 13 , King's Road, Ahmednagar 

  • A.M.B. Center, Navyug Niwas, opposite Minerva Cinema, Mumbai.

  • Avatar Meher Baba Poona Center, 414/1 Somwar Peth, Behind KEM Hospital, Pune.

For obtaining a copy of any Books contact your nearest Center or  Book Shop from above List. For referring to Books that are presently out of print request a Meher Baba Center or Library for any available old copy of the same.




Information compiled by us is gathered  from various  sources  and due care has been taken. It is  however  only intended  for  general reference and guidance of the disciples of Meher Baba. For using the information contained in this site, for any specific purposes,  the same may please be confirmed from  your own sources. All quotes of Meher Baba are the copyright of Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. Please contact Avatar Meher Baba P.P.C. Trust, Kings Road, Ahmednagar, (MS), India  for any further guidance.



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